"Everyone deserves the chance to fly"

12 April 2006

i am going to die

there is a web site:

the death psychic

and it will tell you how you are gonna die. my fortune (or misfortune) was:

"While walking to your car after visiting a friend in a rather bad part of town, you are caught in the middle of a drive-by shooting. You are hit several times in the chest. You watch as blood pours from your body as you fall to the ground. You die from massive blood loss."

well, this was a little vague for me so i decided to do a little research to get an answer to one question that was bothering me...

1) how old would i be?
answer -
the toronto star has a good article on the average age of drive by shooting victims and one part the stood out was this: "The average age of all victims is 31. The average age of shooting victims is 26." well, i'm already 26, so that means i got about 5 years left. however, upon closer reading i discovered that the main focuz of the article was young black men who LIVED in bad areas. well, since i am neither black NOR do i LIVE in a bad neighbourhood (remember, i was only visiting a friend who lived in a scetchy area) i figured that my chances MUST be better, right? AND as of right now, the worst area of town that my friends live in is the pothole filled road off of vineland and magnolia in north hollywood, so that must mean that i've beaten the odds? right??

of course i've seen all 2 seasons of Dead Like Me and i do know that death has a pre-set time and place when it will happen, so IF what my fortune said is true, it is HIGHLY more likely that, me being gay, i will not be visiting a friend, but a "hook-up" in a scetchy part of town... in which case, i better enjoy these last 5 years cuz that is WAY more likely :)


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