"Everyone deserves the chance to fly"

20 July 2005

friends... (or not)

i just saw a movie yesternight, Harry and Max. although the movie is NOT for typical movie-going audiences, it was pretty well-made and i enjoyed it. one thing that really touched me about the film was a quote from rain pheonix's character: "you were incapable of being my friend. i got on with my life, i think it's vain of you to think i'd care about you at this point." it made me realize that my "friend" rabiah is a terrible friend. and that quote made me "drop him" as a friend. i just told him on the phone 2 mins ago that i wanted nothing more to do with him. he won't get it right away cuz he's kinda dumb. and that sad thing is that he won't try to fight for the friendship... he won't try to work things out. i think that is what hurts most of all. the fact that he never really cared.


Blogger Cincy Diva said...

It is a sad thing when you discover that you were the only friend in the friendship. You'll meet other, better friends that you are truly deserving of. His loss will be their gain. Good Luck

23/7/05 07:51


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