"Everyone deserves the chance to fly"

23 September 2005

ride of the valkyries

courtesy of netflix, i recently watched the muppets wizard of oz and cosi. both films were enjoyable... i still think that the muppets has a lot to work on before they can recapture the magic that made the earlier films so much more amazing... HOWEVER... i digress, the funny thing was that both films, although completely different, had versions of wagner's ride of the valkyries! if you don't know it, take a listen... you'll notice the tune right away. i think it's funny how classical music can be put into almost any context... from flying pigs, to mental patients playing accordians! :) just something i noticed :)


Blogger Karen said...

And once you start thinking about the music you can't get it out of your head. It will be with me the rest of the evening!

26/9/05 18:08


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