"Everyone deserves the chance to fly"

04 May 2005

enough with the quizzes...

nothing too exciting is going on right now in my life, but i figured that i should post something other than quizzes, cuz i think we are all getting a little bored of them :) (although some of them are pretty exciting)

so let's see,... what's new... i don't own a computer so i always come to this AWESOME little internet cafe just down the street from my house... i come here all the time and since the owners have gotten to know me, they always let me use the facilities for free, but the bad news is that the place has undergone new management, so i am afraid that i will have to start paying to use the internet (which isn't so bad as they only charge $2 per hour compared with kinko's 25c per minute!! OUTRAGEOUS!) BUT,... i'm also afraid that they will start charging more... i hope not. this asshole next to me won't stop talking on his cell phone and it's annoying the crap out of me... he has such a grating laugh... UGH! SHUT UP!!! i'm in such a funky mood right now... maybe i should just stop typing now before i embarrass myself :)


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