kitchen confidential is a friggin' lie!
Now, nothing against the show, cause it's cute and quirky and whatever else is needed in an equation to make a sitcom work, but Kitchen Confidential is way out of line here, people, and I'm not gonna let this new television show off the hook.
Now for all of you who haven't seen it yet, it is about a head chef and his cute co-workers (back of house, and front of house) all trying to make a living in an upscale restaurant. There are only a few problems with this "idea", but they are so huge that I cannot get past it and actually enjoy the show. I shall list them IN a particular order:
1. All of the cooks are white. This is a huge problem for me. Any one who has ever worked in a restaurant or even set foot in one knows for a fact that 99.9% of all the cooks in America are Mexican. I work in a Chinese restaurant and all the guys making your fried rice are in fact of the Hispanic descent. This is not a racist comment, this is a statement based on my experience of working in restaurants since I started high school.
2.There is only one hostess who works there. She looks like a model, and she apparently works everyday, because she is the only person who is ever near a host stand.
3. The owner's daughter is a waitress there and she creates dishes not listed on the menu just to make the head chef prepare stuff. She would of been murdered by his Mexican friends by now.
4. There is no heat lamp. They prepare the food and set it on a table IN THE KITCHEN, where the servers come and pick up one dish and then walk back out to the dining room. I will not even go into health violations, server errors, blah blah, that is just plain wrong. Heat lamps are what makes the world go round, the world go round, the world go round.
5. A cute little prank or something will always find itself in the middle of the kitchen involving the cooks and the servers during a very busy night, and every cook seems to find time to stop and make a joke. They are not sweating, they are not busting their ass to cook up some sixty meals, they are having a ball. I don't see the cooks having a ball during the lunch lull. They are always preparing shit.
6. At the end of the night everyone goes to a bar to hang out together. Lonely Hostess, Servers, Kitchen Staff, even Dish Washers. I go out all the time, with my server buddies. Birds of a feather, my friends, it's sad but true, we stick in our groups. Restaurants are very segregated places. Every now and again we'll intertwine our posses, but for the most part we just smile and wave and leave it at that, not finish off our beers together at the same table.
This may seem like a rant, but this show could of been genius. Everyone either works in a restaurant or frequents them throughout the week. We should all be able to relate to this show, not loathe it because it is so far off. Please people, write the creators for me and tell them they are big dumbasses, and should of done their homework at least a little, like looking in the back of any restaurant. I hate you Kitchen Confidential, I hate you so hard.
I have worked in kitchen that do not use heat lamps, like Le Cirque for instance. We did not use those disgusting things, they are there because of imcompetent wait staff who can't get their food after it is ready. And, that is why you have foodrunners. I hate those lamps!!! The cooks that depend on them are shoemakers!Health violations? Please.
Kitchen PRANKS? All the time, busy or not you can find time during a dinner rush of 300 covers! Check my blog on kitchen pranks.
True that over 85% of kitchen staff if hispanic, mexican,cuban,columbian, salvadorian,guatemalan...etc...
Come check my site out.
11/10/05 22:44
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