"Everyone deserves the chance to fly"

28 May 2005

in defense

ok,... so i have gotten nothing but grief for my love of the ever so unpopular "star trek". it's understandable though, most of the time people are afraid of what they dont understand, or they just end up following the masses, because it's easy and the masses definetly see star trek fans as some kind of geek squad. BUT!, it's quite the opposite. i recently went to a convention in pasadena on march 12, 2005, and i have never met a group of more accepting and loving people. these people base their lives on a show that has made the world a better place. it's not just about science fiction and weird aliens, it's about becoming the best person you can possibly be, it has showed me that man is not war and money hungry, like we so many times seem, but that deep inside we all just want to love and be loved. this show has given me hope for a better future, where there is no war or sickness or hunger, where man is united as one and we live in peace. where the accuasition of wealth is no longer the driving force of humanity, but to better ourselves through knowledge and experience and cooperation with each other. so is that "geeky"? am i such a dork because i think the world could be a better place? i don't think so.


Blogger Karen said...

I'm such a geek, that I go on Star Trek cruises! I love the show and enjoy the fan activities! Hence the st in stfankaren.

31/5/05 17:22

Blogger matt said...

i was wondering what it was... i thought you took the word "frankenstein" and just re-arranged the letters and took a couple out! :)

1/6/05 12:39

Blogger ... said...

Omg! This makes me want to get back into watching it! But, alast I can't...damn cable! Well, I hope that I can perhaps buy the series' on tape. God, you're so right, it sucks that this awesome show is thought of as 'geeky'!

2/6/05 15:19


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