"Everyone deserves the chance to fly"

04 June 2005

a good 3-movie day!

on sunday i decided that i had nothing better to do, and so went and caught up on my cinema viewing! i went to AMC, i picked 3 movies that looked really good to me, paid my $27, handed over my moviewatcher card, bought my nachos and large sprite/fruit punch mix and settled in for movie #1!

this movie was really well executed... i was worried after the debaucle that was Shark Tale but dreamworks saved themselves with this really funny film about a zebra who escapes central park zoo with dreams of living in the wild and his 3 friends who end up going along for the journey with him. it's essentially an old fashioned buddy movie with funny references to other films such as "planet of the apes" and "cast away". the penguins and the lemurs provide most of the fun! with a great new rendition of Reel 2 Reel's i like to move it! 4 stars out of 5.

the best written, best directed, most well acted film i've seen this year! living in LA, i TOTALLY related with the film's defining statement: "everyday we are faced with reactions. how we interpret a situation colours our perceptions of daily life." if you only see one movie this year, go see this one. 5 stars out of 5.

i love sci-fi, i love british, i love singing and dancing dolphins, i love big splashy opening production numbers, i love mos def, alan rickman, sam rockwell, martin freeman and zooey deschanel, i love the books, i love the number 42, i love this movie. 4 stars out of 5.


Blogger matt said...

yes indeed my friend :)

5/6/05 19:49

Blogger Bigby said...

I missed Madagascar due to my daughter going to see it with her friends instead of me. There was a time in my like when I could go to an animated feature on my own without children, but it has passed. I think the knowledge that I will be sick of 10 viewings a week when it comes out on DVD may be part of it, but it is primarily time constraints. I have to pick my spots on the movies, and Batman won out. Glad to see a good review of it, though. I'll have to enjoy the first showing in the fall when the DVD comes out!! I still regret that I missed Hitchhiker... it's already rolled off out here, and there is not a dollar theatre in sight anymore... I was really looking forward to that one. Guess that's another DVD or PPV viewing...

20/6/05 06:36


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