"Everyone deserves the chance to fly"

08 June 2005

muriel's wedding

yes, i am extremely busy moving all my stuff into the other bedroom and yes, i still have to pack for my three-week buisness trip that i leave for TOMORROW, and yes i have no time to hang out with my friends right now before i leave as i still have tons of errands to run before i go and yes i still have to help my roommate move into his new bedroom..., but i'll be damned if i didn't MAKE time to sit down last night and watch muriel's wedding for the first time last night! (if you are wondering why, then read the comments under the "you tell me" post from a few days ago.)

and tom, karen... it was AMAZING!! i've owned this movie for over 3 years and have never watched it, 1) because when i saw The Wild Party on broadway years ago, i fell in LOVE with toni collete and so snatched up as many films of hers as i could find, 2) i thought i was buying Cosi. Both of thier covers look similiar and i had recently seen Cosi and loved it, but couldn't remember the title, so when i saw Muriel's Wedding i got confused and bought the wrong movie. when i first put it in the dvd player and noticed my mistake, i got mad and took it out, i haven't watched it since then! :)

i should have known that i would have liked it though, with it being by P.J. Hogan who also wrote my fave film in the history of the WORLD, Peter Pan!!!!

i'm really sorry that i waited until now to watch it, and i promise that if there are any other films out there that i need to watch, if you tell them to me, i will watch them! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have a safe trip!

9/6/05 08:34


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